Paying Clients

If you want to have a satisfying and fulfilling freelance career it's really important to have clients that you enjoy working with - because there's no point in leaving a (horribly unfulfilling, tedious but secure) full-time job to still be miserable at work! If you can commit to talking to at least three different people about your business everyday, you'll be amazed at the change you'll see in your clients, your stress, and your income. As outdated as it may sound, offline marketing campaigns like postal mailing actually work , especially locally — and may get you a nice first impression to a potentially interested client.

People look at reviews for most services including event planning services. And that's because people coming through these types of programs are the exact people you're looking for: people who need design, marketing and web development services. When attracting clients, who by definition tend to have a high lifetime value and involve a degree of high-touch sales, you're chiefly going to want to focus on your ability to provide value.

Facebook ads, like other passive ad platforms (display networks, LinkedIn, etc.), are shown to people who aren't actually looking for what you offer. I have a system where I contact 10 people a day to build that business. Use the marketing approach that will get you directly in front of your ideal clients as quickly and effectively as possible.

No matter your niche or vertical there is a FB group that you can participate in to contribute to the discussion, answer questions, and develop a presence to refer people to your business, often times when they are looking for exactly what you offer.

There are tons of companies out there looking to increase their content marketing efforts , giving your agency a big chance to step in, produce more revenue and loyal clients as a result. When you add your value proposition and the right client acquisition approach of using the phone you can quickly create opportunities to have conversations with ideal clients that lead to more business.

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